May God save this country from all these big men vampires all over the country. 1. Corrupt politicians and public servants cutting across all tribes and religious divides holding the country by the jugular. 2. Armed robbers and kidnappers mostly among Easterners taking politics as second business instead of trading they are used to. 3. Ritualists and yahoo plus ring using human spare parts among the yorubas also desecrating political landscape. 4. Boko haram and animist among the Hausa fulanis using poverty to hold their people down. 5. Vandals and slavish baby factories in south south using amnesty fund to cover indolence. 2019 is around the corner, they have all become lords of the game. They all now see corridors of power as a save Haven. Let's not only shine our eyes but also our brains. Dr Olaiya Abideen Olaitan –––––––––––––––––– F:- T:- I.G:- @abideen_olaiya 📧 Olaiya4Gov@gmail.comÂ